Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ciao Ciao

The car is loaded and I’m sitting here with what’s left of Chermon Brew #12.  I had one last breakfast at Tal’s this morning – no longer a working man in the “Office” near the back, but in the general area, a regular guy in a regular cafe.  Matt B. joined me, and afterwards he came over to pick up some cooking knives he’d lent me.  A few more people are on their way to say goodbye, and then I’ll leave this great city.

I’ll be crashing at my sister for a bit, then some grueling travel before arriving at the next destination.  For most, it’s the upcoming leg of my trip that appears most exciting but for me the anticipation is overcast with goodbye, even if there is little doubt I’ll be able to see my family and friends again soon.  In the words of one fantastic robot, “I’ll be back!”

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Starting Over

I’ve packed my bags and vanished to a faraway place, so starting my blog over just makes sense.

Working remote is difficult and the first week in Jerusalem was full of setbacks, but now all’s good and no need to dwell.  I love the climate, the endless cafes on Emek, and being close to people I’m not usually close to.  Just one month away from NY and I can relax again.  I’m partying harder and living better.

Some of the highlights so far?  A wedding (not mine), a duck (don’t let the cuteness fool you), and a surprise visit from Sara.  Weekly outings with my nephew and the discovery of Tal Bagel’s “Boker Yisraeli” cannot go without mention, nor can the continuous supply of mint tea.  Best of all - no one pokes fun at my ring.